Saiba o que nossos alunos dizem sobre a LSC

Giovanna Caetano | Certificado

“I was always shy during a conversation in English or in another language, because of my fear of making mistakes. But when I studied English at LSC – Callan , with Sonia, this wonderful teacher, my shyness was finally overcome  and with the teachings provided by her, I was able to pass the Cambridge exam. I thank her for all her affection, effort and dedication in her teachings; otherwise I might have not passed it.”

Julia Sgrott | Certificado

“I’ve been learning English since I was four years old. I’ve changed English schools a lot, because I could never find one where I fit in and capable of helping me achieve my goals. But when I got at LSC-Callan, everything was different. Sonia is one of the best English teachers in this world and her team too! They give you their full attention and focus on your difficulties in order to push you to the edge. This actually makes you improve a lot as you are always motivated. For example, I hated Use of English. But we practiced it so hard that it was my best mark on the CAE exam!…”

Jociane Mitrano | Certificado

“Iniciei o inglês na LSC-Callan em 2017 e a cada ano venho notando melhora do meu inglês, mas em especial este ano em viagem aos Estados Unidos consegui perceber uma evolução muito maior, ganhando no entendimento e na fluência; foi muito gratificante e voltei com mais vontade de voltar às aulas. Muito obrigada à equipe de professores!”

Beatriz Sponchiado | Certificado

“The lessons at LSC- Callan helped me to develop my English in the 4 abilities besides being a space that I can feel confident enough to make mistakes and to learn with them. English is taught along with real-life topics and situations so I learn an English that I will effectively use along with a greater worldview.”

João Pedro Queiroz | Certificado

“Without the support from our teacher, I think I wouldn’t have got such results in the exams. Not only because of the papers and productive classes we had throughout the years, but also due to the emotional support of the teachers, motivating us to sit the exams every time we could reach such grades and I’m really grateful for all this help. Such exams opened up many doors for us, improving our english fluency and helping our social skills and we can now say we are fluent in English and can write, speak and listen as a native speaker.”

Pedro Ferreira | Certificado

“Eu era completamente analfabeto na língua inglesa,  procurei a LCS – Callan devido ao método que foca na revisão durante as aulas gravando e dando segurança com a correção imediata. Hoje consigo me comunicar e ler matérias na língua com segurança.”

Vinícius Mitrano | Certificado

“Retornando aos Estados Unidos após um ano, me sentí muito confortável e seguro no dia a dia.  Consegui conversar em inglês com outras pessoas que não eram americanos natos facilmente. Com os americanos tive dificuldade ainda, devido à velocidade e gíria que utilizavam, mas foi bem melhor que no ano anterior, quando ainda não conhecia a LSC-Callan. Melhorei muito, vejo que estou a caminho do meu objetivo que é me comunicar perfeitamente em inglês. Muito obrigado aos professores Luiz Bernardo e Anna Luisa!”

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Paiquerê - Valinhos - SP
CEP: 13271-606

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